Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Affair
The affair began with a chance meeting as affairs so often do. I was tired of my same old routine and K was perky and best of all, hot. K smelled really good too. No, it wasn't love at first sight but there was an unmistakable, undeniable attraction, and let’s face it, isn't that how these things always begin. K filled a need in me that was there lurking under the surface just waiting to be filled. And once I gave in and got over my inhibitions the relationship got steamy. I met K in Palm Shores, a little town that cares, near Melbourne Florida. I was there for less than a week staying at my son’s house to help take my grandson to and from school since my son had to work and my daughter-in-law was away. Maybe I just had too much time on my hands while Brody was in school. Maybe it was the walks on the beach. Maybe it was inevitable. My husband had been working out of the country for almost a year, there was that, and I knew that was no excuse but it was the excuse I told myself. The mind rationalizes so the body can take what it needs and I needed K. Alas our affair was short lived and this was a given. Knowing our paths might never cross again, and the allure of forbidden fruit, only served to make our affair more rich and intense. I knew the merest hint of the aroma of pumpkin spice would always trigger fondest memories.
By the time I arrived back home in St. Marys, I’d also arrived at the decision to confess my indiscretion.  Video chat on SKYPE didn't seem as impersonal as an email and it was as close to face to face as I could get. As soon as I began, all the details just poured out. When I finished baring my soul I paused, looked my husband in the eyes, and left him with what in hindsight seemed like an ultimatum, “Love me, love my coffee……” and here is where we lost our connection, “…maker.” I blamed Keurig, on line shopping, almost instant gratification, hot-bold-tall or short-and sweet. I no longer felt any stirring desire for old Mr. Coffee and in fact I ignored him and just left him on the shelf.
Though Mr. Coffee may find himself in a garage sale this spring, for me this post has a happy ending. My husband forgave me and I found an email the very next morning from him with the tracking information for my own Keurig, on its way home to me in St. Marys. Now my affair with my Keurig won’t ever have to end……. But lately it’s the merest hint of the aroma of gingerbread coffee that makes me smile in anticipation. 


  1. Girl, still water runs deep! We share our love for K. Jen bought me one for Mother's Day last year and I've never looked back. The choices are endless...I order my coffee online. Too bad we didn't have these in the classroom!

  2. Amen and I order on line too. I love all the choices. Have you tried any of the teas?

  3. Sounds like people are pretty perky about their coffee and they obviously have sufficient grounds. They still filter some of the more delicious comments. This conversation didn't go to pot or get put on the back burner.


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