Friday, February 1, 2013

Tweet Seats
I don’t tweet but apparently lots of people do. So many that now Tweet Seats are being made available for tweeters. These tweet seats are not found in nests or birdhouses either (where I figured they would be) and they are not for the birds! These tweet seats are for the tweeters that Twitter. Twitter has a couple of definitions. Short bursts of chirping or chatter by birds is one and a short burst (140 characters or less) of social media chatter is another. The Providence Performing Arts Center is embracing social media by setting up tweet seats where audience members can discuss the show on Twitter while it's happening. Apparently the tweet seat area is towards the back so as tweeters tap their glowing screens, they don’t distract the rest of the audience that has silenced and put away their phones for the performance.
The other place the tweet seat has come into vogue is on First Coast News in Jacksonville. They may have tweet seats on other news programs but other the other channel I watch at 10 PM (so I can go to bed early) Fox Action News doesn't have one as far as I have seen. Keep in mind I am pretty tired by that time and am really watching mostly for the weather. The tweet seat on FCN gives viewers an opportunity to interact and tweet their views during a broadcast which in itself is an interesting concept. There’s a lot of reality TV on as it is and the tweet seat gives viewers a chance to be a part of what’s happening in real time. These programs and news events show tweets at either the bottom or top of the screen and I figure they come from someone (not in a tree or birdhouse) in a tweet seat too.

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