Friday, November 22, 2013

Feral Turkeys

I caught a short story on MSN about feral turkeys taking over Manhattan, or there abouts in New York. In truth, I worry more about these two feral cats I've rescued taking over my Thanksgiving turkey, because as I found out this morning, even my oatmeal isn't safe if left unattended on the dining room table. Be that as it may, I was once followed around by a feral turkey. No, not my husband, if that’s what you are guessing. This turkey latched on to me and shadowed my every move one day when I was at the end of Harriet's Bluff Road in Camden County where there was at one time a Thiokol Chemical plant turned Union Carbide pesticide plant, 4,000 acres unused now, most currently being considered as a site for an aero-spaceport facility. I was there looking at the tabby remains of an anchor shaped civil war era house, the Bellevue Plantation, when I was befriended by this particular feral turkey. It was a pretty big bird, I might add, and try as I might to keep my distance every time I turned around until I finally retreated to the safety of my car this new found feathered friend could be found nearly at my heels. I’m not sure to this day what this turkey was looking to me for but the turkeys in New York apparently are making a nuisance of themselves, leaving droppings and causing car accidents. New Yorkers don’t want them killed yet their numbers have increased a lot and their meat may not be suitable for human consumption until it’s been tested for pesticides and the like. I’m thinking the same for my friendly follower up at Harriet’s Bluff since it lived its life on Union Carbide’s, Bayer CropScience’s facility. The problem with trapping and relocating the New York turkeys is that they may not be entirely feral but perhaps a mix of wild and domesticated turkey. Yep, there I go thinking of my husband again. It would sure be nice to relocate him home for the holidays.

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