Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Random Acts and Couponing Update
Here is an update on my first month’s random acts of kindness. In a previous post I calculated that I would need to complete a minimum of 2 random acts each week in order to meet my goal for 2013. This has been trickier than I thought it would be. It doesn't seem to be as difficult being kind as it is being random and by this I mean being kind to people I don’t know. I have found that I need to make a conscientious effort to do it. I have completed 7 so far, one short of where I hoped I would be, but there is still plenty of time to catch up.
And I have two unexpected random acts of kindness to report. The first involved a nice young man with a beautiful baby girl I met at the Dollar General near my home. We chatted in the checkout line. They were ahead of me. When I came out with my two bags and headed across the field toward my home a couple of blocks away, the same nice fellow offered me a lift home. I was the recipient of a random act of kindness! The second involved my grandson. On Saturday morning we were downtown at the community market in search of free cookie samples and boiled peanuts when we ran into a friend that had found a small water turtle in the road where she parked her car. She clearly didn’t want to touch it but didn’t want to leave it in the road either. Ethan gently picked it up, and without begging can I keep him, proceeded to return it carefully to the marshy edge of the river. We all happily watched the little turtle swim away. It’s encouraging to know that committing random acts of kindness is trending for kids and it’s nice to think they can be positively influenced when adults in their lives commit random acts of kindness too.
Next is an update on my extreme couponing adventures. Yesterday I purchased 6 cans of Campbell’s soup -$0.56 each (4 chicken noodle for my flu survival kit and 2 tomato), 3 bottles of dish washing liquid – 2 Dawns for $0.49 and a Palmolive for $0.75, and two 2 liter bottles of Diet Pepsi - $0.80 each (my guilty pleasure). My total for this soup, soap, and soda trip was under $7.00 and I found out that Fred’s in Kingsland doubles coupons up to $0.70 on Saturdays. I know this isn't as extreme as the couponing on television, but it is as extreme as I've been able to get so far.

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