Monday, January 6, 2014

The Wonderbag
If this was about me it would be the Wonder(old)bag, but it isn't, instead I’m writing about a very interesting power saving Wonderbag for cooking that I am going to have to have. My entire family and most of my friends know I am an energy miser (I brag about my ridiculously low electric bill at least once a month when the bill comes in) and this Wonderbag is just what I need to keep the energy usage even lower. It works like a slow cooker (crockpot) but you don’t plug it in. The Wonderbag was originally invented by founder Sarah Collins in South Africa with the intention of conserving cooking energy in developing nations. After checking out the reviews and a video on this cordless, power-free, gas-free slow cooker I think it may just change the way I slow-cook forever. Basically the Wonderbag is just that, a wonder bag that’s an insulated bag with an insulated lid that you put the food you bring to a boil for 5 minutes per your conventional method into, pot and all. It then works like your plug in crockpot to slow cook but the best part is that you don’t plug it in. When you order one for $50 on Amazon another goes for free to a family in a developing country. I am including a link to the video and info here.

I’ll be blogging about how this works in my own kitchen in the near future.

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