Thursday, January 9, 2014

Potcaking in the Bahamas
So having escaped the chill in the states, I am spending my first full day this year in the Bahamas and I am taking up a new (to me) fitness sport that I am calling Potcaking. I know cakes and pots generally bring to mind the opposite side of exercise, the calories in side but Potcaking definitely made me work up a sweat on the calorie burn side. The potcake involved is my husband’s and her name is Sailor. I was told she is as good as gold by our neighbor here, when she is worn out so therein was my goal for today. Of course I hadn't considered that she would hog the recliner after walking the beaches, pine barrens, and returning back to the A/C, and the fact that I am now worn out too!
Over the past 2 years I urged my husband to keep an open mind about finding and adopting a potcake, the feral dogs of the Bahamas because 20 years ago when he lived here he had a pup named Bug who went on to become his favorite child. My husband really has an affinity for animals of all sorts but I had hoped an older potcake that needed a home would someday turn up on his doorstep, but that was not to be. Instead a potcake pup named Sailor was found under a trailer nearby and put on the local website as looking for a home. She has one now and she is a force to be reckoned with. My husband calls her a goof and she lived up to her nickname tripping over her own feet and getting a nose full of sand at the beach today. I also had to make her drop an urchin and a banana peel she was intent on eating.

Maybe it was something about her feet that my husband found so appealing, Bug had slew feet and a little skip in her walk. Sailor has 2 extra toes on her back feet, complete with toenails. This seems to be a characteristic of potcakes and inbreeding but our neighbor says she probably ate her twin. I wouldn't doubt it because right now she is probably dreaming of eating my flip flops and she can keep on dreaming because that ain't


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