Monday, May 13, 2013

Tiger and Sergio
At the TPC (The Players Championship) in Jacksonville, Florida, on a beautiful day in the middle of May, Sergio flubbed a shot and blamed it on Tiger. Of course Tiger wasn't swinging Sergio’s club but in this day and age it seems like it is always easier to blame somebody else rather than take responsibility for a poor swing. This blame game goes on at my house and in a lot of other places too, right on up to politics. Mr. Nobody left my bike out, left the lights or TV on, didn’t pick up the towel in the bathroom. Still, back to the TPC, I found it difficult to blame Tiger for noise that the crowd made, but Sergio seemed to think Tiger was to blame for that too. The fans were out there enjoying the day, and it is because they follow these golfers that they were there, thus generating a bunch of income for the TPC charities and players. Nevertheless, as a result of the recent “rift,” or call it what it seemed more like to me, playground dispute, Tiger and Sergio will be partnered up with others and not walking the greens together any more for this tournament at least.  Interestingly enough, they were both tied for first with another guy named Dave (David Lingmerth-a rookie), at ten under last I heard. May the best player win. Go Dave!
*Blogger’s Note: I wrote the above before the actual end of the tournament so I’ll add that despite my rooting for the underdog, Dave tied for second but gave Tiger a very good run. Sergio fell back and last I heard got over his tiff with Tiger with no hard feelings. Yep, just like on the playground. Boys will be boys, I guess. 

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