Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tweeting and Crowing-Political Fowls
I've been reading a couple of blogs, some written by the undecided, and some written by others, many who are choosing not to vote. I see where you are coming from and despite the fact that you have a myriad of reasons for not voting, I am not buying any of them. I am not even going to waste time refuting your arguments. The bottom line is it is the duty and right of every citizen age 18 and older to vote. Who and what you vote for is your business, so get down to business and vote. (I can’t believe I’m quoting this because I really hated it when my boss used it during a faculty meeting but here goes.) "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem." In other words regardless of your arguments about the futility of voting, the size of the government, the direction in which our country is going, whose vote cancels out whose, the electoral college, left over resentment from hanging chads, gridlock,  your vote does count and no change occurs when you sit passively doing nothing. Let’s take back our country and let our voices be heard, vote.
Off the soap box now…I am also sick and tired of the political ads (Fowls!) on TV. So much fact checking and so little time and what’s the difference between fact checking and spin? I've tried flipping channels when the ads come on but sometimes even that doesn't help. The ads are everywhere. I've tried getting out of the house but the ads are relentless outside too, on billboards, bumpers, and lawns. My solution was early voting (yesterday) and now that I've made up my mind and cast my ballot I don’t have to listen anymore. So this is what I do whenever political ads come on the TV, I close my eyes and stick my fingers in my ears. And yep, if the volume is so loud that I can still hear it I say “La, la, la,” really loud until it’s over. However well this political ad avoidance technique works for you while watching television (and it works for me since I don’t DVR or Netflix), just remember it works best for political ads on TV, I don’t recommend you try it while jogging or driving.

1 comment:

  1. What would be nice is if they would quit wasting our time talking about what didn't get done or what they hope to get done (which they can't do without Congress anyway) and donate all those millions of dollars they have pledged to their campaign to the national debt repayment. Oh yeah, that's right, then there wouldn't be any any money for the their political "party"!


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