Wednesday, October 30, 2013

When Stupid Things Happen to Smart Phones

Like when they decide to make a leap from your pocket into the toilet bowl? Or when they attach to a cellular tower in a foreign country and the charges really start piling up? Or when your grandkids change your ringtone and you don’t recognize that someone is calling you, even when it’s your own phone ringing in your pocket? You just look puzzled and wonder what is that noise and where is it coming from? Or when you can’t figure out how to take a selfie because you keep cutting off the top of your own head? Who wants to take their picture in the bathroom anyway? Maybe some of these things are really more about what happens when a smartphone is smarter than its user. We have a pet named Wazoo (a parrot) that used to say “Hello” when the old house phone rang. Now he still sometimes says it but usually when someone is eating garlic bread since the home phone has been retired. He’s about as good at saying hello before it goes to missed call or voicemail as I am.  

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