Wednesday, December 19, 2012

7 Swans a Swimming in Sync for Christmas
And so the countdown to Christmas moves “swimmingly” on.
7 Swans a Swimming
Seven swans were swimming on Swan Lake, so the urban legend goes. The newest member of the flock had started out in life as an ugly duckling but things changed and happy-ever-after-ly she found herself where she finally felt she belonged gliding effortlessly across the lake, gazing contentedly at her reflection and the wavering reflections of her six best friends in the moonlight. Suddenly a shadow passed overhead. The surface of Swan Lake instantly lost its sparkly shimmer and the seven swans’ reflections disappeared. A chill wind etched a new pattern of ripples across the lake’s leaden surface and an unearthly moan could be heard whispering softly through the bare branches of the trees that ringed the lake. Slowly the volume rose in crescendo and the moan went from a windy whisper to a threatening growl and finally to one long soul shivering howl. An eerie silence followed. The seven swans looked mutely at each other. None dared break the silence. It would soon be Christmas Eve and once again the evil one (not Dr. Seuss’ Grinch either) had risen from the underbelly of the usually tranquil Swan Lake determined to spook Santa’s reindeer to throw the jolly old elf off course and extinguish the hope and light of Christmas the way he blotted out the moonlight. The swans just wanted to get the flock out of there. They weren't ready to sing their swan song. But they knew they had a role to play to counter the evil deeds and put an end to the darkness. With only the sounds of their wings to guide them the seven swans rose gracefully with perfect synchronization in a reverse swan dive. Up they flew until the moonlight broke through the clouds and reflected off their snow white feathers lighting a path for Santa to follow. Once again foiled the evil one sunk back below the surface of Swan Lake, down through the murky depths of despair, to find that even his most evil deeds couldn't squash the spirit Christmas. A brightly wrapped gift with his name on it waited for him at the entry to his underwater lair.
With the exception of the five golden rings, the rest of this countdown is pretty much for the birds. 

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