Sunday, September 7, 2014


Four little letters with lots of different meanings, most recently the group responsible for the reprehensible. In the past I associated Isis with the name of an Egyptian goddess, a patron of children for one thing, or the TV show (from the 70’s when I used to watch TV) called The Secret of Isis, or one of the Egyptian super heroes called Isis, created by Marvel Comics or DC comics. There’s nothing comic-al about ISIS the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. They’re not a non-governmental organization dealing with human trafficking, or a British technology transfer company, or a US pharmaceutical company, all of which share the same initials with the Al Qaida splinter terrorist group. ISIS the terrorist organization isn't an operating system on an Intel processor either, but we could use some more intel on their operations. They’re not part of Bob Dylan’s Isis song that could be considered a symbolic take off on mythological themes of a male hero separating from his wife, going on adventures and acting crazy, and then returning to the marriage, going back to the Odyssey. If this terrorist group’s kind of crazy was only temporary relief might be in sight, but it doesn't appear that way to me. The beheadings ISIS claims responsibility for are beyond disturbing along with their self-proclaimed justification for committing these acts. Complacency and desensitization of civilized societies toward these murderous, inexplicable, and unjustifiable acts is equally disturbing.

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