Wednesday, April 16, 2014

New Ketchup Bottle Tops

A couple of high school kids have invented a new top for ketchup bottles that eliminates the watery part of the first squeeze. They call it the ‘shroom because like an inverted mushroom cap the watery part of the first squeeze is caught in the section I’ll call spores, keeping the mushroom analogy, allowing just ketchup to come out. Leave it to some ketchup loving kids to come up with such an innovative idea. This cap they developed is based on the Pythagorean cup idea that is also known as a greedy cup. The greedy cup is made to spill its contents if too much wine is poured in, encouraging moderation. Credited to Pythagoras of Samos, it allows the user to fill the cup with wine up to a certain level. If the user fills the cup only to that level, the imbiber may enjoy a drink in peace. If the imbiber exhibits gluttony, however, the cup spills its entire contents out the bottom (onto the lap of the immodest drinker). I am kind of glad the ketchup bottle invention doesn't work this way but it would be a cool excuse for how the ketchup on your shirt, Nikki! And if you didn’t want to invest the extra 39 cents it costs to add this cap to your ketchup bottle you can always use the old stir it up with your butter knife method or shake your ketchup bottle up before squeezing or pouring.

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