Monday, March 3, 2014

Wearable Generators

Yep, there’s a new kind of generator, a nanogenerator that converts movement from walking into electricity to keep your gadgets going, and it all fits in a 4 pound backpack so you can wear it. In tests it was able to generate 1 watt of power while the person wearing it was walking, enough electricity to run 40 LEDs. There are some other backpack generators out there already but they weigh much more (40 pounds) so these new ones are the way to go if you want to keep the power on for your phone or wearable computer or other electronic device. We have so many of these devices these days and some come with Velcro arm bands to keep them attached or the computer is in the glasses, like Google Glass. What an interesting way to keep things charged and be less sedentary. With one of these wearable generators I could even walk away from my walking desk. I would love to dictate my blog to my wearable computer someday while outdoors enjoying a walk on a lovely spring day.

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