Saturday, March 8, 2014

Two Things I Won’t Forget
First, which mammal has six sets of teeth? Not humans because if we did we might not need dental insurance and all those dentistry and affordable denture and implants commercials on TV. The mammal with six sets of teeth is the elephant. They have really big appetites to match their tremendous girth and they spend a lot of time (and teeth) chewing. When in old age they have no more sets of teeth to replace the worn ones, they often meet their demise because they can no longer chew and eat. As the elephant never forgets, neither will I that the elephant has six sets of teeth.

Second, which is a better place to wake up early and take the pup out for a walk in March, St. Marys or the Bahamas? I asked my husband this morning how the weather was outside (in the Bahamas) and he said it was a little cool and I might consider wearing a light jacket. I checked the weather in St. Marys (via computer) and found it was 37 degrees out and would probably be just as chilly there tomorrow. Then I stepped out the door (in the Bahamas) and realized it was shorts and t-shirt weather, no light jacket necessary for me. So as the elephant never forgets, neither will I that as far as the weather goes, taking the pup out for an early morning walk in March, the Bahamas is the best!

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