Friday, February 21, 2014

Let's Go LEGO

This is not to be confused with leggo as in my Eggo. The LEGO I am referring to here has been around a long time (at least 42 years, the age of our number one son) and they are still going strong. My most vivid memory from back then is of stepping on and errant LEGO with my bare feet, OUCH! I also distinctly remember directing the boys to clean them up (pick them up off the floor of their rooms) each night before bedtime in case the house caught on fire and they needed to be rescued by the fire department. A carpet of LEGOs is an obstacle course in the daylight and might be much harder to negotiate in the dark. Somehow the boys managed to navigate through them on nightly trips for a drink of water or a trip to the bathroom. To this day I’m not sure how. Of course they were kids and weren't even fazed when our pet hamster took up residence in one of their sneakers, so a few zillion LEGOs lying around was no problem. Fast forward to the present and you find that LEGOs have their own theme park, LEGO Land, and I had a very popular and generous supply of LEGO kits in my science lab complete with little motors. There are computer games with LEGO characters these days too. I've played the STARWARS version and a couple of the rescue games too. There may even be LEGO cartoons, since I have stopped watching Saturday morning cartoons, I have no idea. I am however, going to see the LEGO Movie today with my two youngest grandsons and I have heard only good reviews about it. Perfect activity for a rainy day! Better than riding scooters in the house anyway. About the movie, I’ll keep you posted! 

1 comment:

  1. Loved it! Everything was awesome! Hope I can go again with a couple more grands.-Jo


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