Thursday, June 13, 2013

Cracked Smartphone Screens

This is one for the grandkids, cracked smartphones screens as art are trending and becoming one of the latest in things. I just figured cracked screens were more of an indicator that the users were not ready for the responsibility of caring for a smartphone or in some cases a mini IPad yet. I guessed it was either that or the reason you get insurance and a protective cover for your kid’s device. If I hadn’t read about this new trend, cracked screens as art, I would have figured one of my grands had come up with the idea, one with a cracked screen of course, to prove that he was cooler than his other cousins or friends. The quote I read by Mark Bauerlein, author of a book titled, The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and Jeopardizes Our Future, says, “The problem is all smartphones are pretty much the same. The crack on the screen makes it unique.” I hope this isn't an indication that kids are cracking their phone screens on purpose. If it is then his book title is spot on! I do have some experience in this area because 6 out of 10 of my grandkids have cracked their device’s screens. The cracks don’t show in the pictures they take with the phone cameras because the camera lens isn't usually on the screen side, I’m figuring. I, personally, have dropped my phone (which isn't as smart as any of theirs) lots of times and my screen has remained intact. However, somehow when my phone flew to pieces on one of the several dropping occasions, I managed to dislodge and forever lose the teeny tiny photo chip that was in there prior to the drop but then not upon reassembly, thus rendering my camera useless since no photos can be stored without said chip. I guess this might be an indicator that phone dropping runs in my family. But regardless of whether or not this is true, any broken glass is sharp and hazardous, not to mention less than protective of the inner workings of one’s electronic device, so I conclude that considering cracked screens as art is a pretty silly idea!

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