Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Left Swipe Dat

Today’s title has a couple of meanings. When you left swipe dat on your smartphone, you are getting rid of an image or email you don’t like or want (sending it to the trash so to speak). So left swipe dat can be an indicator of dislike. The bigger (more viral) meaning is it’s the name of a video on You Tube starring various internet personalities (none of whom I know or am familiar with) that my grandsons showed me this morning. They were pretty insistent about me featuring this in my blog today and after watching it I agreed wholeheartedly with them about the value of its message. Keep in mind, that my only use for You Tube in the past has been for videos on how to crochet new stitches, can or freeze veggies, or occasional funny cat entertainment. I think highly enough of this (Left Swipe Dat) to try to copy a link to it at the end of this entry. (if the link doesn't work just type Left Swipe Dat in your search engine) It is worth checking out. I’m glad my grandsons found it and I hope they and all the other young people watching it take its message to heart. Perhaps there are some good things on those phones everyone seems so attached to these days! After you watch look out for a new finger gesture I’m working on. I point (with my index finger), paired with my over the glasses, eyebrows up, teacher/granny look, and then slide that same finger that’s pointing right at you, to the left. When you see it you’ll know you or whatever you've been doing has been left swiped too!

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