Sunday, January 18, 2015

A First Time for Everything, Including a Trip to V.S.

The sun was finally out today and after a recent damp and dreary spell I was happy to get a load of laundry out on the clothesline. Let the sun help me save on my electric bill by drying my clothes. What does this have to do with Victoria’s Secret you might ask? Well until recently I could say I’d never been in one of their stores in the 38 years that they have been in business. Maybe V.S. always seemed too expensive for me, I don't know, but last week I did for the very first time, stop to shop. After being measured for a new bra I explained to the salesgirl that I was only interested in trying on bras with no underwire. Come to find out Victoria’s Secret only makes two without. Interesting, I thought, (underwire is Victoria’s Secret?) but I have reached a time in my life where I am totally ready to accept what gravity has given me and forego the discomfort of underwire so my choices were going to be limited. I am also at a place in my life where I just hang my undies on the clothesline with the rest of my clothes, yes, granny panties and all. But back to the bras at Victoria’s Secret…the sales girl brought me a lacy (underwire free) one to try on. It fit but I took an instant dislike to the new matronly look of my now lacy double Ds. So I figured I’d give the other option (underwire free bra number 2) a try, and this no frills bra had just the right fit. I ended up getting two and some non-granny panties too. I will say that V.S. undies and bras are some of the most comfortable I have ever worn and I am perkier than I have been in years even without underwire. The idea of hanging them out on the clothesline today gave me a moment’s pause but I figured I hang all my clothes (even the under clothes) on the line all the time so why not. Let the sun do its thing (dry all my laundry) on a beautiful day.

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