Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Tis the Season for Random Acts of Kindness

Originally I planned to sum up my progress on my pledge to perform random acts of kindness at the actual end of this year, but this is the season of giving so I figure it fits. The nice thing about random acts of kindness is that they don’t have to cost much if anything at all. In 2013 I pledged to do a bunch and fell way short of my goal. Despite that (and embarrassed by it too) I decided that I would do better for 2014 and I have. I surpassed my goal and I learned that giving is its own reward. Performing small random acts of kindness has been my way of making a positive impact (however small) on my world. I haven’t made much of a dent in the big problems I read about in the news everyday but I don’t doubt that the small differences I make, like tiny ripples in a puddle that keep moving forward, might join with others to impact the future in a positive way. Being on the receiving end of a random act of kindness is pretty nice too. I can say this because I have been there too. I haven’t got any proof that any random act of kindness performed by me has ever been paid forward but that doesn't matter because random acts of kindness are given without conditions. I invite you to try performing a random act yourself. Hold a door open for someone, leave some change in for a cause at the dollar store or even just a penny for the person in line that might be a penny short, share a meal with a senior, or volunteer somewhere. You’ll be glad you did. As for 2015, I pledge to be mindful and keep my eyes and heart open to opportunities for performing random acts of kindness and in that way do my part in making 2015 a happier new year.

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