Monday, July 28, 2014

GA’s New ‘Slowpoke’ Law

Yikes! I've been accused (by my grandkids mostly) of driving like an old lady and now Georgia has a new ‘Slowpoke’ Law. When (and if) my husband reads about this he’ll probably get a laugh out of the thought of me slowpoking along on the interstate. Despite the fact that my motto in the past has been 95 on 95, my little old 4 cylinder engine car doesn't actually have enough umph for that so thinking you can go as fast as the numbers on the speedometer indicates is basically a lie. Therefore, I have no idea why the numbers go that high, because even if I say this and you may conclude I've tried, my car won’t go that fast. So maybe if the name, in my case, slowpoke fits I may as well own it. The GA State Patrol have been pulling slowpokes in the Atlanta area over and giving them warnings. I figure slowpokes might be safer for all concerned to catch than drivers that opt for high speed chases. Maybe the GA State Patrol figures they can cut back road rage incidents by ticketing the slowpokes that ragers find so aggravating. Wonder when they’ll start issuing warnings down here since most of my driving occurs in the southeastern most corner of the state. Speaking as a possible slowpoke, I will say that I have been given ‘the finger’ (not the pointer used for indicating a direction either) a few times by other drivers and even though a couple of my grandkids have encouraged me to return the favor I've preferred not to do so.

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