Friday, June 13, 2014

Friday the 13th
Friday the 13th is a lucky day and not necessarily bad luck. Today’s Friday has a full moon too. I've already seen some memes about Freddie on social media but I’m not for portraying Friday the 13th in a negative light.
This Friday the 13th kicks off the Crab Fest on Andros and with the recent rain combined with a full moon might be a perfect night to go crab watching. Andros has the largest free roaming population of land crabs in the Bahamas and they migrate from the forest to the sea to wash their eggs during the heavy summer rains. At night they identify the brightest part of the horizon with their sensitive eyes to guide them to the sea so the brightness of the full moon should help.
There is also the possibility of a large solar flare poised to send some plasma to our planet today. It may disrupt some satellites’ communications in outer orbits but should not cause harm to us. These flares are just coincidentally appearing on Friday the 13th. They are just a part of the sun’s normal cycle.

Of course there are also plenty of people that have had the good luck to be born happy and healthy on a Friday the 13th. So I plan to make the best of it today wherever my good luck finds me. Happy Friday the 13th

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