Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Carnival Returns
That time of year again and as the rides and booths arrive and fill the parking lot across from the middle school the excitement builds (and my dread level rises as my wallet level looks at a big decrease). My grandkids have made comments about it the past two mornings in a row so I figured I’d mention this in my blog today.
The younger one just wants to go. The older one would easily fit in with the unsupervised teen mob that roams on weekend nights, the time I always avoid. Interestingly enough he doesn't want to go then because all his friends will want to ride rides he is too afraid to ride. Maybe that is putting it too bluntly. Perhaps the wilder rides (and stomach churners) are just not what he considers fun, but basically he doesn't want to chicken out in front of his friends. I used to love roller coasters but I am content with the Ferris wheel now and even that requires coaxing with these guys.

The other predominant comment was the one about the guy that was killed at the carnival last yearDidn't someone get killed by a ride last year? That was the question I decided to research. From personal experience I know a past student of mine actually broke a bone tripping on the way up the ramp to get on the Himalaya. This happened a few years back and could not be misconstrued and called a death. Apparently a worker was too close to a moving ride and did get knocked unconscious by one last year. According to all reports he was tended to by the local EMS peeps and survived. The only deaths I found in my extensive research were the mysterious deaths of goldfish won on the midway. The carnival does have a website you can go to (for a coupon-$5 off wrist bands, family packs and $2 off a ten dollar food purchase-they only take printed paper coupons no phone coupons) and the dates and times for this year’s appearance. Here is the web address, http://www.dreamlandamusements.com/. You can find the safety standard section too but no mention of the goldfish there either even though that’s the one thing other than an empty wallet and a tummy ache that my younger grandson will want to bring home.    

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