Saturday, November 1, 2014

Georgia Potcake Dawg!

Nope, this is not a recipe this time, the so called Georgia potcake I am referring to here is none other than my husband’s very own Royal Bahamian Potcake named Sailor who along with her master is visiting GA. Potcakes get their name from the left over peas and rice caked in the bottom of the pot and thrown away only to be scavenged by the island’s feral dogs. Sailor was born on Andros Island, Bahamas, but she is feral no more. This week she’s having fun being a Georgia Dawg. Along with getting along with her new pack mate Fred and a meet and greet with Sarah, Sailor got her first visit to a dog park, the Tommy Casey Memorial Dog Park in St. Marys. She spent a lot of time reading the pee-mail and running free. She also got a chance to check out Crooked River State Park, specifically the Semper Virens trail that she might’ve enjoyed more if she wasn't always in such a hurry to keep up with her pal, Fred. The weather was perfect for dog walking but this morning’s crisp fall air is an even bigger change. The sound of the wind in the pine trees, yes, it is blustery here too, woke her early and like all pups the chill in the air calls for a little extra friskiness. The last hurdle for her here will be coming to terms with my two cats. So far she is interested and they are not. We’re also looking forward to watching the annual Georgia-Florida game later with a nice cup of hot chocolate. Go Dawgs!


  1. And as luck would have it, the potcake had some potluck and got to lick the bowl of some most excellent soup from Jo's pot!

    1. Yep, everybody says, "What's not to like about my cookin'?" HA!


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