Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Climate Change....

Global Warming, I Mean Climate Change
After years of trying to get Congress to pass legislation to deal with climate change due to pollution, the President is by passing them and working to persuade the public to help him sell his plan that provides for new controls on new and existing power plants that emit carbon dioxide, greenhouse gases blamed for global warming. The program is intended to boost renewable energy production on federal lands and increase efficiency standards. The program also takes into account how communities will need to find ways to deal with higher temperatures like the ones we are seeing across our country already this summer. The President’s plan also calls for the cutting off of U.S. subsidies for coal fired power plants overseas with exemptions for the poorest countries where no better technology is available. And here is the kicker, in case it wasn't clear in my first sentence; none of the measures in the President’s plan require congressional action. Remember this quote (which is quickly becoming one of my favorites) by a tsunami victim who was tired of waiting for Japanese government assistance? “Rather than wait for government aid, we have to do it ourselves.” This quote seems holds true for our government too, at least as far as climate change legislation goes. They are either too gridlocked or have some other excuse that keeps them getting paid while they accomplish nothing. I’ll end here with President Obama’s Kennedy-esque quote regarding the importance of protecting future generations against the ravages of climate change and let you decide for yourself.

“The question is not whether we need to act. The question is whether we will have the courage to act before it’s too late.” 

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