Sunday, January 12, 2014


Planned geoengineering, an industry of the future, holds hope for help in the battle against dangerous climate change. Partly this is because geoengineering has finally achieved a level of respectability that might allow us to transform the earth to capture and contain carbon. I have mentioned some geoengineering methods in past blogs like Drawn by the Tides, about how soot from oil burning ships dump lots of soluble iron back and forth across 3 million miles of ocean and this iron has a way of sucking the carbon dioxide from the air into the ocean and another about how NASCAR is planting trees, because trees are a carbon sink as long as they are growing. Other strategies needed include technologies like Direct Air Capture containers with a chemical sponge that would suck the CO2 out of the air as it passes through, and along with trees planting biofuel crops like sugar cane. These technologies and other strategies (including ditching the use of fossil fuels) will cost trillions per year and require intergovernmental cooperation but still make good economic sense if we want to head off the global disaster of climate change. Global warming doesn't have to signal the end of the world as we know it.

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