Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Bedrails, Time for Regulation

Bedrails are posing the same kind of hazards to the elderly that unsafe, unregulated cribs of the past caused for babies, suffocation and death. Lots of deaths and injuries to the elderly have been reported but regulation is slow in coming. The rails aren't just the portable types used in private residences where families are caring for their elderly parents or grandparents but also in rehab centers, adult care facilities, and hospitals. Since the rails for home use aren't considered medical devices FDA guidelines don’t apply to them. These rails can be improperly installed and give the family a false sense of security because there are worse things that can happen besides falling out of bed. Poorly fitting mattresses can leave gaps (between the mattress and rail) that the elderly can easily become wedged in and find themselves unable to get out of. For the frail, and sometimes confused by dementia, and actually any elderly person this seems like an awful way to die. It’s time for consumers and our government to push for closer scrutiny of adult bedrails and come up with a safety standard for them like the standards in place for infant cribs.

1 comment:

  1. These issues are for "rail "! Our elderly deserve support but not the kind that injures them.


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