Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Wi-Fi Free for All
There are two powerful groups lobbying against each other over the Federal Communications Commission’s proposal to create a super Wi-Fi network across the nation so super that we could use it to make cell phone calls and surf the internet without a monthly cell phone bill. Against the proposal is the 178 billion dollar wireless industry, for obvious reasons. For this proposal are Google, Microsoft, and other tech giants that think the free for all will spark an explosion of innovations and devices that would benefit most of us and especially the poor. The super Wi-Fi would be much more powerful (able to penetrate thick concrete and leap tall buildings without a single bound) than existing Wi-Fi networks we have in our homes now.
After reading about this yesterday in the Georgia Times-Union (on the front page, no less), I had to check the byline to be sure this article wasn't written by my little brother because it sure seemed as far out as some of his crazy ideas and schemes! But it wasn't.
Then I got to thinking about the super savings I would see without a cell phone bill. The cell phone companies will probably raise the prices on their phones but they wouldn't be completely put out of business. They also might become innovators and improve the devices we have now. Maybe they will sell their towers to the government for outrageous prices. Maybe they will end up selling their towers for scrap. So much for feeling sorry for them, they have been on the receiving end of plenty of my money and it’s time they start doing something better with it before it is all gone.
And consider the benefits to schools struggling to keep up to date with technology and use its great advantages in helping educate our children. The wireless free for all would go a long way to leveling the playing field between inner city schools and schools with more affluent property tax bases. Then I got to thinking about how (as a last resort) I sometimes turn off the wireless in the house to get my grandson to shut down his PSP3 (usually after midnight on weekends). Oh well, I guess this is where parental control will have to kick in. If not, I am ready to innovate and find some new solutions!

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