Sunday, February 10, 2013

Seasonal Insanity or is the Weather Bipolar?
More azaleas are on the bloom in my yard this beautiful morning and it’s definitely off the usual schedule for around these parts. My daffodils are usually the first to bloom on the twelfth, in time to cut for Valentine’s Day, then the redbuds, followed by the dogwoods and azaleas. The weather here has been bipolar, and by that I mean swinging wildly between freezing nor'easter-y cold and buggy unseasonably warm. I hope the couple of days that were warm enough to wake the gnats (in St. Marys they are also called “flying teeth”) were followed closely enough by gnat killing plunges of freezing cold with icy morning frosts because gnats are my least favorite thing about spring. But we really haven’t had enough hard freezes for that, as close as we are to the marsh and river here. I expect the gnats will be out with a vengeance this spring because their winter dormancy was so rudely interrupted this so called winter. Another reason I am not so sure spring has really sprung around here is that I haven’t seen any bees yet. These busy pollinators have yet to appear buzzing around my meager container garden, but I do hope to see them when my snow peas start blooming. Then I will be sure it’s spring. On the other hand, there has been plenty of pollen to go around though and it has been wreaking havoc with allergy sufferers. One day my car was covered with the yellow pollen-y powder and the next day after a gusty nor'easter pushed through the yellow was washed away only to be replaced by the clusters of red blooms blown off the maple trees in my yard (another tree tricked into blooming early by the bipolar weather we've been having).
I guess there is just a part of me that wishes the weather would just make up its mind. I checked the app store on my phone and there is not an app for that. Maybe we need a doctor of meteorology to come up with a prescription (instead of a prediction) and get the weather settled down once and for all. That would sure make things simpler for my azaleas and me. 

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