Greedy Birds
Some of my favorite
birds on Andros are the tiny island doves, also called common ground doves.
They have short reddish wings and tails that are quite noticeable when they fly
off. Their wings at rest have some spots like their larger cousins, ring neck
doves and such, but the little guys tend to waddle plumply when in search of
fallen seeds and insects on the ground unlike their seemingly more coordinated
(though pigeon toed) relatives. They are greedy little customers at the bird
feeder we try to keep full in front of our blue door. Their antics sometimes
seem slapstick as they cut in front of each other at the bird feeder or gang up
on the bigger doves in order to claim their share of the pickings. It almost seems
as if the little doves are lying in wait for someone to come out and refill the
feeder when they empty it. When we do, word among the bird population gets
around quick, because they quickly and noisily descend and begin the show all
over again.
Makes me wish for
spring when I return to St. Marys.
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