Saturday, December 1, 2012

Chickadee-dee-Dee-cember. That’s what I think the Carolina Chickadees were trying to tell me when I left the house for my morning walk. Before the time change, the timing of my walk allowed me to watch the sunrise as I walked back toward home. Since the time change I've had to change direction to catch the sunrise at the beginning of the walk instead of the end, typical for December around here with the days growing shorter. But it was probably the chill in the morning air that made the chickadees calls seem so clear. The fact that there are finally less leaves on the Chickadee-dee-dee-ciduous trees made it easier to watch the little birds’ acrobatics as they flew through and around from high in the pine trees and water oaks in our yard to the pecan trees across the street. The chickadees are a joy to watch at the bird feeders too with their cute little black caps and their snowy white cheeks. They are curious, plump little fellows that look like they are wearing gray waistcoats and tails over white shirts and little buff vests. As I watch them they seem to be trying to Chickadee-dee-dee-cide whether or not to watch me back. I often see northern cardinals on Christmas cards but I really think chickadees would look more Chickadee-dee-dee-lightful. By the end of my walk the pink had faded from the sky along with the early morning bird chatter. My cat greeted me at the end of our driveway and I happily saw no feathers lingering around his Cheshire smile. I know he keeps a watchful eye on the bird feeders each morning too. I am thankful that at least there was no Chickadee-dee-dee-struction on this beautiful morning and I am thankful for another Chickadee-dee-day.

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