Cat + Café = Catfe
The rationales for catfes are numerous. In Tokyo
it's hard to keep pets because the apartments are so small. So new arrivals to
the city, that used to keep cats, and now can't, can find their way to the cat cafe
for cat therapy. This works for cat lovers with family members that have cat
allergies, pet prohibitive lease agreements, or just plainly hate cleaning out
the litter box, yet love a nice cup of coffee or tea time with the relaxing
purr of a friendly feline.
I’m writing this blog with my sister in mind because
she is truly a “cat lady” who has rescued and neutered many a cat. Combining
the catfe concept with cat rescue and adoption would be right up her alley,
speaking figuratively, of course, especially if the coffee sales would cover
the cost of cat food. Would you frequent a catfe?
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