Thursday, November 13, 2014

Back on the Road

Instead of packing up this computer, as I should be since I have everything else packed and ready to go, I am sitting here typing out a few parting thoughts before I get on my way back to the states. I've been here in the Bahamas, specifically on AUTEC, for a whirlwind of a week. The timing of this trip was planned essentially for the annual craft fair and I made hats, sold hats, took orders, and made and delivered more hats. Yes, even in the Caribbean a hat can be a welcome accessory. I lost a good friend in the states while I was away and somehow I have a long history of being out of the country when someone dear to me passes away, but that seemingly strange phenomenon might be for another blog. I took a header onto concrete while out running and the resulting major black eye has definitely been getting some looks. I've probably not been such major topic of island scuttlebutt since I wore my Dick’s Wings T-shirt to bingo a while back. But back to topic, the day I am mulling over is already in the past but has been sticking in my mind nevertheless, Veteran’s Day. I read so many tributes and messages of thanks to our veterans and serving military on social media and TV, some reminding me that we could thank our heroes every day, but we choose especially honor them on Veteran’s Day. Here on the island there was no ceremony this Veteran’s Day, like there has been in the past. I did hear many greetings that included Happy Veteran’s Day and my veteran had the day off from work which we happily spent together. But the lack of even a short moment of recognition by the people that run the show here, the Navy and the PAE contractor, cast a cloud over my day. I remain grateful (to the folks here also that may have felt left out) that I am still afforded freedoms won and maintained by so many men and women who put themselves in harm’s way to serve our country and preserve our freedom. 

1 comment:

  1. It is very disheartening that the organization that provides the very blanket of freedom didn't take a moment in their "busy" day to recognize those who have gone before, setting the example for those to come that recognition is earned by sacrifice of self for the benefit of others.


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