Monday, December 30, 2013

The Thirsty Monkey

After passing The Thirsty Monkey on Highway 40 (going between Kingsland and St. Marys) numerous times my husband finally turned off the main drag and on to the perimeter road upon which it is located by Kings Bay flowers, the Honda place, and the mostly fried seafood restaurant that has changed names several times and is currently called Ship2Shore for a cup of coffee. I am so happy that he did steer me to The Thirsty Monkey because it has everything a coffee place should have, besides really good coffee any way you like it. They have casual mismatched furnishings with tables and chairs and sofa and chair combos for all kinds of informal get togethers. There’s a raised corner niche (smallish stage area) with microphones for a live band or other events they have scheduled. They also have a bunch of board and card games including Scrabble and Uno, two of my favorites to occupy you while you sip their brew or to occupy the younger set that may be traveling with you. I also perused their nice menu of breakfast and lunch-ish items and some nice sweets that you can look over at their website, .The next time I drop by I’m going to ask if it is part of a coffee house chain, because it doesn't have that vibe. One more thing (plus the coffee) I particularly liked is the original artworks for sale on one wall. I even know one of the artists that sold one of her paintings there named Haley. She is a talented young artist and horsewoman and told me all about her art displayed at The Thirsty Monkey the other day when I caught up with her at the bowling alley. Needless to say if you are in the area and looking for a nice cup of coffee The Thirsty Monkey is the place to check out. Maybe I’ll see you there.  


  1. As I was working on my masters degree (just finished woot woot!) I referred to it as the Study Monkey!

    1. Love it! and Congrats on finishing that Masters :)


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