Return of the Count Down-12 Days of Christmas
Count Down-11 Days ‘til Christmas
Okay I realize my hope for a white Christmas in
South Georgia is just a pipe dream but still I figured I would use my blog to
pipe up about the white stuff (snow). It is one of the forces of nature that
makes Christmas, well Christmas-y. I also realize that my countdown is off and
if I continue to pipe up on the 12 days of Christmas, one day at a time, I
won’t finish till after Christmas, because today is the 15th and 25-15=10 (not
11). So now I am considering combining the Lords and Ladies or some of the
birds closer to the end of the countdown (or the beginning of the song), but
I’ll try not to confuse myself and end this train of thought. I am chalking
this business with the countdown being off up to bad planning on my part. In
truth though I do live a large part of my life in the state of confusion I’m
mostly pretty good at planning and I love the Christmas season because it is a
wonderful time to get family together and I have come to realize what a gift
that really is.
Lordy, Lordy,
the Christmas Countdown Continues!
This morning I made one of my infamous lists of blog
topics to cover today and all the rest of the days until Christmas and I
discovered that I do not have to combine the Lords a Leaping with Ladies
Dancing after all. I am happy to say my countdown is back on track since I made
this list, and I am no longer leaping to conclusions. Did you know that this
year like all Presidential Election years is a leap year?
Other than the 10 Lords a Leaping, the only other
leaper here is our dog, Fred. He leaps up at the trunks of the pine trees in
our back yard in an attempt to snare any of the squirrels that so nimbly make
their getaways up the same pine tree trunks and then perch on a branch above
and scold him for trying. Maybe if Fred didn’t have to leapfrog over a half a
dozen chickens he’d be fast enough to catch one of the squirrels. All I know is
that Fred is persistent. He keeps trying. Fred is a rat terrier-chihuahua mix
(hails from the local Wal-Mart barking lot) and when he’s not leaping around
the back yard he has been known to get extra practice by leaping onto our
dining room table when you leave the room to sample any part of your breakfast
you may have left unattended. I wouldn’t mind it so much if he would just put a
few correct numbers on the Sudoku for me. It would be great to come back from
the bathroom and find that Fred had given me some help on that. But alas, no
joy and I didn’t really need the extra biscuit anyway. At least Fred doesn’t
drink coffee. Some mornings really do require a leap of faith (Sunday’s, in
There’s just one more thing that keeps leaping out
at me, I am still not done with my Christmas shopping. Leaping lizards! Where
is Daddy Warbucks (aka Poppa) when I need him!
9 Ladies Dancing
(Not Dancing with the Stars!)
‘Tis the day for yours truly (me-not your true love)
to give you nine ladies dancing and here they are!
• First
Lady (literally and on this list) Michelle Ozumba, I mean Obama! Who better to
help me realize my fitness goals which include keeping the holiday pounds at
• Next
is the multitalented Monica Lewinsky doing your choice of the Limbo or pole
• Dolly
Parton follows doing the Hammer Dance while singing “U Can’t Touch This These”.
Do you really think anyone is going to be watching her Hammer harem/parachute
• Then
there’s Tammy Two Step Why Not Wynette dancing while she stands by her man. A
list of ladies dancing wouldn’t be complete without some good old country line
• And
with the latest You Tube sensation, go Lady Ga Ga Gangnam Style. Opp, Opp,
Oppan Gangnam Style!
• You
won’t have to turn up your radio or drive a million miles for ev’rybody to have
fun tonight and ev’rybody Wang Chung tonight. Just watch Connie (Wang) Chung
rip it up, move down, rip it up, move it down to the ground.
• A
list of ladies dancing wouldn’t be complete without Donna Summers, the queen of
disco, known for working hard for the money!
• I’m
also including Hillary Clinton, who while fainted while break (your head)
dancing and suffered a mild concussion. (Notice the six degrees of separation
between her and Monica.)
• And
the last lady dancing on this list is Lorena Bobbit. She isn’t a very good
dancer but she just keeps cutting in.
If I skipped anyone you think should have been on my
list leave a comment and perhaps your lady will appear on next year’s list of 9
Ladies Dancing!
8 Maids a Milking-The
Countdown Keeps Churning!
Dear Santa,
We are
sending you this card to share a little Christmas steer. We know this is your
busy time of year and we want you to know that we are pulling for you,
especially on the eighth day of Christmas. The other 11 days of Christmas pail
in comparison to ours. We herd it through the bo vine that some of your
reindeer have been sick so we feel mooo ved to volunteer our cows. We have just
the girl to take Rudolf’s place. Nude Jersey lost her hide and has been
blushing brightly ever since. We are aware there’s a lot at steak and we don’t
want you to worry, all our girls can easily jump over the moon and cattle drive
your sleigh filled with gifts on Christmas Eve. This offer is no bull. It’s the
veal thing.
8 Maids
Dear Maids,
words were never uddered. Your offer is sincerely appreciated but all of the reindeer
have recovered and will be able to fulfill their duties this Christmas Eve. I
will however keep your offer in mind and consider it my official plan B for the
and Merry Christmas!
*Blogger’s Note: I think I have milked this one for
all its worth.
7 Swans a Swimming
in Sync for Christmas
And so the countdown to Christmas moves “swimmingly”
Seven swans were swimming on Swan Lake, so the urban
legend goes. The newest member of the flock had started out in life as an ugly
duckling but things changed and happy-ever-after-ly she found herself where she
finally felt she belonged gliding effortlessly across the lake, gazing
contentedly at her reflection and the wavering reflections of her six best
friends in the moonlight. Suddenly a shadow passed overhead. The surface of
Swan Lake instantly lost its sparkly shimmer and the seven swans’ reflections
disappeared. A chill wind etched a new pattern of ripples across the lake’s
leaden surface and an unearthly moan could be heard whispering softly through
the bare branches of the trees that ringed the lake. Slowly the volume rose in
crescendo and the moan went from a windy whisper to a threatening growl and
finally to one long soul shivering howl. An eerie silence followed. The seven
swans looked mutely at each other. None dared break the silence. It would soon
be Christmas Eve and once again the evil one (not Dr. Seuss’ Grinch either) had
risen from the underbelly of the usually tranquil Swan Lake determined to spook
Santa’s reindeer to throw the jolly old elf off course and extinguish the hope
and light of Christmas the way he blotted out the moonlight. The swans just
wanted to get the flock out of there. They weren’t ready to sing their swan
song. But they knew they had a role to play to counter the evil deeds and put
an end to the darkness. With only the sounds of their wings to guide them the
seven swans rose gracefully with perfect synchronization in a reverse swan
dive. Up they flew until the moonlight broke through the clouds and reflected
off their snow white feathers lighting a path for Santa to follow. Once again
foiled the evil one sunk back below the surface of Swan Lake, down through the
murky depths of despair, to find that even his most evil deeds couldn’t squash
the spirit Christmas. A brightly wrapped gift with his name on it waited for
him at the entry to his underwater lair.
With the exception of the five golden rings, the
rest of this countdown is pretty much for the birds.
6 Geese a Laying,
I’m Just Sayin’
On the sixth day of Christmas as a gift, in fact,
Was a gaggle of geese, 6 to be exact.
Amelia and Abigail Gabble of Aristocats’ fame
were laying rubber in the driveway whenever they
to visit Gwen from Charlotte’s Web who thought she
saw a spider,
that made Goosebumps bump her head and spill her
apple cider.
So on Goosebumps goose egg Gwen was laying an
as she yelled at the Gabbles, “You should drive on a
race track!”
“Time for laying out the feast,” they yelled back in
“We want the turkey that keyed our car to fry or
Soon the Native American goose, Wauna, sniffed,
“What smells?”
After laying
an egg, she came walking on egg shells.
“Laying in wait for Christmas?” honked Boris, “I’m
just saying.”
On the sixth day of Christmas there were 6 geese a
5 Golden Rings
Six geese a laying five golden rings, even though in
the back of my mind I knew geese laid eggs I never questioned them laying rings
in this song. Maybe that was because of the goose that laid the golden eggs or
nest eggs that made me think of money. It seems like I’m always spending more
of that then I actually have at this time of year. As far as six geese laying
only five of anything, well as a chicken owner I can tell you that someone
usually lays out every day (skips laying an egg, or in this case a golden ring)
and I can never figure out which one. Whenever I ask, they just all go to
squawking as if they are secretly covering for their unproductive flock member.
One can never get a straight answer from a chicken.
Then there are my other favorite golden rings, onion
rings. They made an interesting entrée as a 2012 spaghetti night treat, fast
food lasagna, layered with quarter pounders, bacon, sloppy Joe meat, cheese,
Big Macs, more cheese, and topped with 5 (or more) golden (onion) rings in a
really deep pan. Try singing that to the two all beef patties/Mickey Ds jingle!
Heart attack holiday fun food and after all as the countdown to Christmas
continues, it’s the season for holiday eating too.
4 Calling Birds
There were 4 birds, a chicken, a duck, a crow, and
an owl. As calling birds these 4 didn’t exactly fit the bill. But these 4 each
found a calling. The chicken was scrambling across the road to go to a
Christmas party. The duck followed the chicken but was spotted by a fish and
wildlife officer, and unlike his pal the chicken, ran a fowl of the law. After
a couple of wise quacks he was allowed to go with a warning. The crow followed
in stealth mode and managed to not get caw-t. The owl was trying to keep track
of whoo was whoo. Each of them had a gift for the gift exchange and each
thought he had outdone the other. All were looking forward to getting rather
than giving. Even after they exchanged their gifts they would still be preening
and competing for recognition. Then they came across a tern who told them they
were going the wrong way. The best Christmas party in the town was in the other
direction. The 4 birds took the tern at his word and changed direction toward
town. When they arrived at the party there was a long line of children waiting.
The chicken, duck, crow, and owl added their gifts to Santa’s pile so there
would be enough for all the children. They thanked the tern for showing to them
how one good turn calls for another.
As we near the end of the countdown, Christmas day,
the four birds found their true calling, learning the joy of giving rather than
receiving, and calling for peace on earth and goodwill to all.
3 French Hens
The three French hens in the song The Twelve Days of
Christmas are said by some to represent the three virtues: Faith, Hope, and
“Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward
of this faith is to see what you believe.”
- Saint Augustine
“Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the
soul-and sings the tunes without the words and never stops at all.” - Emily Dickinson
“Charity begins at home, but should not end
there.” - Thomas Fuller
“If you haven’t got any charity in your heart, you
have the worst kind of heart trouble.”
- Bob Hope
Let Faith, Hope and Charity carry us through this
Christmas season.
2 Turtle Doves
After resisting the urge to write three recipes (coq
au vin, chicken cordon bleu, or chicken chasseur) yesterday, I’ve decided to
include this quick microwave turtle recipe for people like me that are
scrambling to get things done on Christmas Eve. All you need are small pretzels
(knots not sticks), Rolos (the candy), and a nut (pecan half) for the top.
Stack the ingredients starting with the pretzel on the bottom and microwave on
a microwave safe plate. Serve and watch the tiny turtles disappear.
On the next note the turtle doves mentioned in the
song The Twelve Days of Christmas refer to either the pair of birds sacrificed
at Mary’s purification or symbols of love and friendship. I prefer the latter
especially since Christmas to me is also a time to celebrate love and
friendship and a time best spent with friends and loved ones.
The turtle dove is a bird much like the mourning
dove commonly found all across the U. S. In my own backyard in St. Marys they
frequent the chicken feeder right alongside my chickens (and a brazen squirrel
that has managed to stay a step ahead of our dog, Fred). On Andros, the doves
large and island small alike love to frequent our bird feeder and they actually
line up on the branches of the small ornamental tree (where the feeder is hung)
waiting for their turns. There is usually a pair on the ground scouring for dropped
seeds too. That’s how they arrive, by twos like the (I’m singing again) two
turtle doves and ….tomorrow is Christmas!
On the first day of Christmas
My true love gave to me…
In the manger, a blessed baby…
*Blogger’s note: Merry Christmas-Peace, Love, and
Joy to you from my family and me.
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