Saturday, June 15, 2013

Free Shotguns-Armed Citizen Project

There have been a steady stream of gun violence incidences and shooting rampages in the news lately and the number of related deaths keeps growing. The gun control issue as far as national gun control efforts go has been pushed to a back burner it seems. There is one group, however, a nonprofit based in Houston called the Armed Citizen Project that is offering free shotguns and firearm training to residents in high crime areas around Houston. The Oak Forest neighborhood was the site of their first gun giveaway. The Armed Citizen Project is trying to show that putting more guns into the hands of responsible owners can help combat crime. Oak Forest residents, whose neighborhoods have been plagued with burglaries and robberies, say they are grateful for the self-defense help. Others point to research that has shown more guns result in more gun related deaths rather than less crime. The first part of the last sentence seems pretty obvious to me, and the end of the sentence gives me pause. Recently, with the brewing controversy over current Stand Your Ground laws back in the news with the George Zimmerman trial gearing up, and all I've read about kids killing kids and even a four year old killing his father, I've been thinking about guns, and then I found this news brief about the shotgun giveaway. Picture me just shaking my head, you can decide for yourself which way.


  1. The words, Firearm training, and responsible owners are the key words here which will make this work.
    Capt. Jim


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