Monday, April 27, 2015

Capsule Wardrobes

This is an interesting current concept I just might try. I have a closet filled with clothes I don’t wear and that doesn't even include the jeans just gathering dust on my over the bathroom door hanger. And looking at the big picture, the capsule wardrobe seems to encourage mindful clothes shopping which for many is probably a good thing. I am not a fan of shopping but I have managed to accumulate lots of clothes and after a year of focused fitness most of my clothes consist of items that are either completely out of style or don’t fit. Hence I have all the more reason to consider a capsule wardrobe now. Simply defined a capsule wardrobe is a fixed amount of clothing items (often one capsule for each season- which here in south GA, means basically two capsules- hot weather or cold weather). Shoes are included along with clothes but in my research I haven’t seen underwear mentioned so I won’t count undies. The number 33 (for thirty-three items, Google-Project 333) is a popular one so when I get my wardrobe pared down to 33 items (tops, bottoms, dresses, and shoes) for every new purchase over that number an old item must go. Simplifying my lifestyle at least as far as my wardrobe goes appeals to me and Goodwill and the Salvation Army can always use a donation. I’ll let you know how this latest venture works out for me!

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