Pennies from Heaven
Found two while Fiff and I were out for our early
morning run. Not sure where they came from but they somehow managed to land right
where I could find them. Besides being the title of a song, Pennies from Heaven
are sometimes considered a portent or sign. I’d always heard, See a penny? Pick it up. All the day you’ll
have good luck! But the common meaning is one of unexpected benefits,
especially financial ones to come. With this week’s IRS filing (and if
owing-paying) deadline it would be nice if the pennies signified a big return. Not
good luck for me because they don’t signify any tax refunds so on to another
Pennies from heaven are also sometimes thought to be
sign from a spirit, sometimes a deceased loved one letting you know they are
okay or sent from an angel that’s been missing you. I recently joined a running
support group, Megs Miles, a group that runs to honor the memory of a runner,
Meg Menzies, who was killed by a drunk driver last year while out on a run and
left behind a husband and three young children. Her story has inspired many and
often I read posts written by runners who feel her presence motivating them to
keep going. Maybe Meg was sending Fiff and me reminders to keep on keeping on
as we had been on the run for 40 minutes and still had a ways to go.
Or…Maybe those two pennies were somebody giving me
back my two cents, thinking maybe I’d lost it. I do have a habit of putting in
my two cents on a pretty regular basis whether people want it or not so if that’s
it, thank you!