Thursday, January 8, 2015

Second Thoughts on Mrs. Fixit Stuff

First let me say I got a small set of tools for Christmas like my set in St. Pete. I have surprised myself and discovered that I really can use tools (like monkeys do too) because along with problems knowing my left from my right, tools were never a big part of my skill set. Yep, I’m the one with screw driver in hand that you hear mumbling under her breath, lefty Lucy-righty tighty. Then this morning I saw a headline about a woman plunging her toilet who plunged up a five and a half foot snake. This immediately brought to mind a mental picture of me during my most recent fixit adventure, standing on step stool plunging the garbage disposal side of my double kitchen sink and what my reaction would be to plunging up any kind of snake, let alone a five footer (I am 5 foot 2 in running shoes). Needless to say the disposal is dead, the water down the drain, and no snake slithered out, so whew, so much for that lackluster fixit adventure. Today’s drama will be returning the mailbox to the post. I’ll let you know if any snakes get involved in this one!

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