Wednesday, October 1, 2014


My husband always says breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and he definitely has a point there. For adults, skipping breakfast has been proven to raise the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes and now there is evidence that the same could go for breakfast skipping children. Researchers collected data on 4000 children ages 9 and 10. The info included how often the kids had breakfast, measurements of their body fat and blood samples. The kids that regularly skipped breakfast had 26 per cent higher levels of insulin resistance, which leads to type 2 diabetes, than the kids that ate breakfast every day. These weren't randomized controlled trials so this study doesn't scientifically prove that skipping breakfast as children leads to obesity and type 2 diabetes, but common sense would lead me to agree with my husband. I know if he reads this it he’ll smile at the idea that I agree on something with him, especially the most important (and maybe his favorite) meal of the day so don’t skip it and don’t let your kids skip it either!

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