Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Writers Block is Taxing Me!

Ever since I downloaded Revolver to my ITunes and listened to The Taxman track I have been suffering from writers block. I don’t know if it has anything to do with the fact that the tax deadline is almost upon me and I specifically remember (on the last day for taxes last year) telling my taxman that I’d be in there earlier this year. Well I will be, at least a little bit earlier, since I have an appointment with him this morning. I just hope he didn’t note that in my file. What’s up with the lyric -It’s one for you, nineteen for me, being stuck in my head? Is that a contributor to my current case of writers block, or am I just a writing and tax prep procrastinator? Why did they have to put a song like that on an album titled Revolver? I hope the significance is one of a revolving door through which I must return each year rather than the other thing (imagine me with my finger pointing …well at my own head, probably). Either way, I am going to see the taxman and I hope to be singing a different song by the end of this day!


  1. I wonder if you can get credit for having your emotions taxed or for your time that is taxed trying to rifle through the necessary forms or having your taxes completed or if you can collect a fare for being the remunerating taxee.


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