Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A Chain of Random Acts of Kindness Started by a Young (19yrs old) Navy Wife
 Mr. Sandy's Selfie (with me)

A young Navy wife sees an elderly man leaning driving his cart through the frozen dinner section in Wal Mart, notices that it appears the only kind of food in his cart is frozen lean cuisine and strikes up a conversation. I’m ad libbing this part because it occurred before I came into the story. She discovers that he is living pretty much on microwave meals and decides to bring him a home cooked meal. Random act of kindness right there because maybe he reminds her of her grandpa or she just has a giving spirit. And let’s consider the elderly man, aging in place is hard to do (and a little scary-he still drives). His son sets up his meds and lives nearby but is employed by the neighboring town’s fire department so consequently works a cycle of overnights and days, and can’t be a full time care giver. He does pretty well but I can say from experience caring for an elderly parent can be exhausting and even more so when you have a regular job too. You need to be a master at time management. So the young Navy wife turns to social media to get others involved and the response was amazing. What a wonderful opportunity to give others a chance to participate with random acts of kindness, 140 meals worth so far largely organized on line on a site called Take Them a Meal. But sadly the chain has begun to disintegrate with the South East Community Church and a very few volunteers left bringing a meal. Something as simple as a grilled cheese sandwich and a cup of soup and few minutes to drop it off is all it takes to make a difference in one oldie’s life. He can be crotchety but he is always humble and grateful. He suffers from gout and I have seen him during a couple of particularly ugly flare ups so he has been advised to stay away from most meat and seafood. If you would like to be a link in this kindness chain here is where to sign up. You can send a meal even if you aren't local. Just go to this link and sign up.  

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