Friday, August 23, 2013

The Hot 100
I'm not sure what you were thinking when you read the title of this but here goes. The Hot 100 is my name for the temporary gym set up and the number of days it will be there until the old gym is rebuilt and refurbished here on Andros. I paid a visit last evening since I needed to have some exercise to put in my Sleep, Eat, and Exercise log, and I figured why not blog about it today. The gym equipment has found a temporary home in the Marine Department garage down on the water front. No A/C but there was a sea breeze coming into the nicely, nearly open air space. There were 2 stair steppers, 2 stationary bikes, half a dozen spin bikes, 1 elliptical machine and a bunch of weights, benches, bars, and a few mats. Even though I rode my bicycle down there I opted to hop on one of the stationary bikes, a familiar work out like the one I do in St. Marys only this time there was no Jeopardy or Wheel of Fortune to entertain as I rode. The bike was easily programmed to give me a cardio workout tailored to my age (I inputted that) and target heart rate (the bike figured that out). My husband smartly remembered his music and popped in his earbuds as soon as he hopped on the elliptical. I had to settle for watching the Hot 9, as I liked to think of them, a group of very hot and sweaty guys, all probably at a minimum 30+ years younger than me, working the free weights.

Two final good things about the Hot 100 (other than eye candy if you like the sweaty kind or you just appreciate a place to workout in now and then).... a nice cold water fountain is also located right in there and the scale that was in the old gym isn't. 

1 comment:

  1. Definitely sounds like the place for those who are going to do some "up-lifting" or are "stepping up" in the world or maybe "peddling" away a few calories....the place for the fitness minded - the Iron Bar located conveniently in the Sweat Shack.


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