Chicken lays miracle
Cue announcer voice, “Isn’t
that amazing!” (One of my husband’s many talents, the voice, not laying eggs.)
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Squawk All About It!! |
Just when I thought I’d
exhausted the topic of chickens (at least blogging about my own little backyard
flock) along comes Super Chicken (and no, he’s not everywhere, not everywhere).
She is in China and she lays amazing
eggs. I have a chicken that occasionally lays a double yolker but the Chick
from China’s egg not only contained a double yolk but additionally contained
another egg. When they cracked the inner egg (on video) it was regular with
single yolk, but still and all there was definitely more than enough for a
paltry poultry breakfast for two from one sitting. The news article also
contained a tongue in cheek reference to how unsurprising this chick really was
in the light of how well-known the Chinese are for their productivity.
Somehow after laying
that giant egg I figure that poor hen squawked loud and long and not just with
the pride of accomplishment. At least, I figure she has finagled out a way to
stay out of the stewpot.
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