Thursday, January 10, 2013

New Heights (for toilets)
Is the squatty potty the standard? I asked myself this question because my husband frequently complains that he hates a squatty potty. I can also say two out of three potties want to know, because of the three potties in our house (currently seats of honor in our three bathrooms) two are squatty and one is tall (commonly known as the throne). On a side note, I purchased the throne for my husband a while back as a Christmas gift. We had decided on a Home Improvement for the Holidays Christmas theme, so he got a garage door for me, butt back to the potties.
Mid-sized Elongated Potty
There are two configurations for toilets that are considered standard. The one is small and called round and the other is large and called elongated. Most toilets (squatty potties) range from 14 to 16 inches high (floor to seat height) with some of the new contemporary designs being even lower. I had hoped to find in my research that toilets were reaching new heights because people in modern times were getting taller. In fact, over the last 150 years the average height of people in industrialized nations has increased by approximately four inches, according to Scientific American. And although contemporary buildings have higher ceilings and doorframes than those of Revolutionary War era buildings, the American with Disabilities Act and dictates of comfort have had more influence on the heights of contemporary toilets than the new heights of human beings.  The ADA required height for toilets (or as we call them in our home-thrones) is between 16.5 and 18 inches. The chair I am sitting on as I write this blog post is 18 inches from floor to seat height so it seems reasonable for potties to be the same (though I would never consider doing what I do on the potty in my nice leather chair).
No photos (of the potties at our house) attached, so you will have to take my word for it, we have the entire range of potty heights, from squatty on up. The hall bathroom is the squattiest at 14.5 inches, the smallest bathroom has the midsized potty at 16 inches, and the master bathroom throne is a king (or ADA) sized 18 inches from floor to seat. I’m thinking as toilets strive to reach new heights, it’s nice to have choices.


  1. I have to agree with your husband no squatty potty for me.. as a matter of flushing fact I jacked my tolet up in the main bath so its even taller than the 18 inch King....

  2. When Arnie's father was alive we jacked up his potty too. He literally unseated(the commode from the floor bolts)until we did! Since I know Arnie rarely reads this I will admit this here. I like the comfort height(throne sized)potties myself. I just don't want him thinking I got him that Christmas Potty as a present for myself!


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