Saturday, October 13, 2012

Driving that train… in St.Marys, Georgia!
I’ve got a new earworm, the Grateful Dead’s Casey Jones, (I finally got Carly Rae Jepson out of my head, whew!) because today is the highly (not what you Dead Heads were thinking) anticipated St.Marys Railroad Days Celebration.
Because both of my grandfathers were railroad men, I have many fond memories of this wonderful, albeit disappearing piece of Americana. My Grandpa Madigan was a brakeman on the commuter trains in Chicago. My twin and I could always count on him for a train ride to Wrigley Field to cheer on the Cubs on opening day. He never ratted us out to our parents despite the fact that he knew perfectly well we were skipping school and he usually slipped us enough money for a couple of the foot long hot dogs they used to sell on the corner outside the park. My Grandpa Petkus worked for the railroad in Michigan’s U.P. (That’s Upper Peninsula for all non-Yoopers.)When the trains weren’t running he planted trees and cut trees for pulp, just like the logs here that came rolling in to the paper mill via the St.Marys Railroad for many years. He was a quiet man who knew more about trees and plants than anyone I’ve ever known.
And who hasn’t spent at least one Christmas morning watching a model train run ‘round the Christmas tree? But I better get back on track!
Today’s St.Marys Railroad Days celebration runs from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Theatre by the Trax and admissions are free. There are exhibits, tours, and rides on small railcars to celebrate 104 years of history and service by the St.Marys Railroad along with live music, food, vendors, and fire clowns. Come out and experience an Escape to yesteryear, and immerse yourself in history, romance, and adventure, St.Marys style. Dang Skippy, a new earworm, It’s always a good time! (Carly Rae Jepson again, she’s back!)
And nope, I won’t be driving that train! But I definitely plan to take a ride on it. See you there!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're on the right track promoting a piece of Americana that a lot of folks forget. At least our kids can see the "rail" thing and develop some close "ties" to the community and isn't that what its really about being able to share as families and communities rather than its all about me. I think events like this foster a better relationship for everyone so we should get off our caboose and go. Thank you for the reminder.


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